Okay, I know she is not a baby anymore especially if she is riding a bike all by herself. This day was once again an emotional one for me. It all started when we went to the park and McKenna saw her very good friend Makenna (yes same name) riding a bike with no training wheels. She was so impressed and told me on the way home that she wanted to take her training wheels off. So the next day before Dave went to work he took them off and after maybe two tries she was off and going. I was so proud of her! Yes, that is a dress she is wearing on top of jeans, she insisted on wearing it, she is such a girly girl sometimes.
Here is a video of her going down the street!
On a sad note we had our first bike accident today. She was in the park on the path and as she puts it "I went wibbily wobbily and then went down." She has small scrapes on her knee, elbow, and cheek. For a first timer accident it really isn't too bad. She is a pretty tough little one. I was really proud that when it was time to go home she just jumped on her bike and wasn't scared at all to ride it.
Go Mckenna! She is a fast learner, smart girl! Love that girl!
Cool!! That bike looks so small! Tell MaKenna she did great. Oh, by the way, the kids and I are coming up to Rexburg for a family reunion Aug. 7-12. Get with Susan and see if you two can plan a lunch or dinner or something with all the kids.
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