Reeve even had fun. The people would give him papers, otter pops, and McKenna shared some of her candy with him. He especially liked the police cars and firetrucks (he is such a boy).

Later that night we planned to go to the big fireworks show with our friends. The only problem was that we were have one of the worst storms Pocatello has seen in ages... well besides for the one on my birthday. When I met up with them we got reports that our street was flooding again. I decided it was time to go home and check everything out and just call it a day. Our house was not flooded, the water had just come up to the front of our driveway (sigh of relief). The only thing was the hail had ruined all the plants we had just planted the day before. I tried to get some pictures of it.

After the water had receded we decided to light off the pack of fireworks I had gotten. The kids loved them. I sometimes forget that just small, simple things can make them happy. McKenna of course loved the pop-its and sparklers. Reeve was just happy to watch all the different colors.

After our little fireworks show I decided to take the kids and watch the big show just down the road from our house. It had gotten fairly cold by that time so we decided to stay in the van. Well that was...challenging. With McKenna rolling down the window and trying to hang out of it which in turn made Reeve want to do the same thing. I am trying to hold on to him, he then pushes down the horn which everyone hears. Then they hear me yelling at McKenna to get back in the van. I just had to laugh and shrug my shoulders. All I have to say is Dave better not work on the 4th next year. You know what though, it really was a fun day and I'm glad the kids got have such a good time even if it was a little hard on me. Isn't that what it's all about?
That is a crazy amount of hail! And I am glad that we werent the only one who had kids trying to hang out the van windows. Your little ones are getting so big!
our little boy is soooo stinkin cute. he looks a lot like gabriel, all chubby with spikey hair.
Hey, Tia-
You're such a good mom taking your kids to events even though you're husbandless. What a trooper!
Loved seeing you the other day!
Hey Tia...I found you blog through Stacy's blog (hope you don't mind). Cute pics. Hope things are going well with the kids I think that you are wonder woman...The primary kids keep asking when their teacher is going to come back (I guess I'm not their teacher in their eyes), oh well take your time.
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