One thing I really love about living in this area is how family oriented the community is. The Saturday before Easter our neighborhood had a huge Easter egg hunt at the park down the street. They set out a ton of eggs and marked off sections by age (very smart). McKenna was so excited because all of her friends were able to be there with her.

It was so much fun watching them run into their areas. It was literally watching kids in a candy store!

Here is McKenna with some of her favorite friends after the mad dash. ~McKenna, Drake, Parker, & Makenna (yes same name different spelling.)

Reeve's favorite part of the day was going over to the park and swinging.
I'm glad yot took pictures of that. They are all so cute! Are you home yet? It seems like you have been gone forever.
p.s. We killed a aunt pile that was on your side walk in front of your house. It was huge!!!! Parker spotted when he was riding his bike. I bet your glad we are your neighbors?
your kids are too cute.
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