I took these pictures a couple of weeks ago. It is crazy how fast these little ones grow. Reeve is 3 1/2 months already and McKenna is going to be five in just a couple months!! I was thinking when McKenna was little I couldn't wait until she hit her next milestone. Once she would do one thing like crawl I couldn't wait until she walked. It's so funny because with Reeve I just want him to stay my little baby. He is now an official roller and I can't put him anywhere without him rolling onto his tummy. He is such a sweet little baby and we love him so much (especially McKenna.) It is so adorable to see her interact with him. She likes to think of herself as the third parent.
McKenna and I had so much fun on the City Creek hike so we decided to go as a family. We were a little worried that Reeve would not like it but just like everything else he didn't mind. It was so beautiful all the leaves turning bright oranges, reds, and yellows. Hearing the water flow down the creek. It is so nice just being able to appreciate nature.
My sweet friend Stacey who lives down the street from us invited McKenna and I along for a hike with her kids pre-school group. It was so nice to be able to go and do something with just McKenna. With the new baby sometimes it feels that we don't get our special time. Dave watched little Reeve and we went up to City Creek. It was such a fun hike and kids were so good. McKenna had so much fun collecting leaves and random things she found on the trail. This seems to be her M.O. When she was in soccer (which she hated) she would just walk around the field and collect garbage. At least after every game the field had a through cleaning from our little one. Side note... speaking of soccer. I wanted to do some painting the other day and asked McKenna to help me. I found some clothes I didn't care if she got paint on. I said "here put these on so you can help me." It was her soccer shirt. She look at me panic stricken and said in a voice about to break into a full blown tissy fit. "Why did you sign me up for soccer?!?!" I said, "I didn't these are your painting clothes." Relieved, she put on the outfit and didn't mind a bit about getting paint on it. So, yeah, my daughter hates soccer. She just cracks me up with her little four year old dramas.
We had so much fun in Washington and then when we got home the first thing we (and when I say we I mean Dave) had to do was rip out our counter tops. Dave volunteered for this to save a little money. Of course about 20 minutes into the project I heard him scream out in pain. I asked what had happened. He showed me a cut on his hand. It wasn't horrible but there was some blood involved. I asked him "is that your warning cut, before you put on some gloves to save yourself from those kinds of things?" He showed me a smaller cut on his hand and said "No, this is the warning cut." I just laughed. Anyhow the counter tops are in and look beautiful.