Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Tha Family


Mindy said...

YAY! You are blogging now. It's about time. :) Cute pictures! Miss you guys!

Brooke said...

Wow! A guest bedroom and everything! It looks great! I'm so jealous but so happy for you guys. :) It's weird to think we started out as poor college students managing apartments and now we're all grown up and buying houses (well you are anyways :)-we're still in the poor college student mode but only 1 year left, I hope. Glad you decided to blog. I'll try to follow your good example.

janine said...

I'm glad that you found me on here! It's actually a really fun way to keep track of a lot of people's lives...I feel much more connected! I can't believe you have a little boy! So cute! We're in Oregon about 30 mins outside Portland in a little rural farming area and expecting our third in about 5 weeks...another boy.

Philip, Melissa, & Summer said...

Hey, I am so glad you found my blog. I have thought of you from time to time, but had no idea of how to find you all. Anyhow, hope you don't mind me adding you to my messy list of blogs. It looks like you are doing well, and are very happy. Great to see.