I realized I haven't officially put on my blog that we are expecting baby number three. This was not planned but we are very excited. Reeve and this baby will only be fourteen months apart. Crazy, I know! Did I say this wasn't planned. It will be boy number two, which is so nice because he can just use all of Reeve's clothes. My due date is September 7th but will probably have him at the end of August because I have c-sections. The biggest thing I'm having a problem with is picking out a name. With McKenna and Reeve I knew what I wanted to name them even before they were born.
A few names we have been thinking about are: Teagen, Tyson, & Ethan. What do you think? Do you have any good boy names... you are willing to share? I know I want to have his middle name be David. That's the only thing I'm sure of. Here are the first pictures of the newest Salisbury to join our family coming this August/September.

YAY!!! What wonderful news!!
congratulations!!!! i am due on the exact same day, with a boy too! how ironic! i really like tyson and ethan! but ethan david seems to flow pretty well together! good luck on the rest of your pregnancy!
congrats!! that's exciting. it will be tough having two so close but they will love being so close in age!!!
wow, isn't it crazy how sometimes it can take so long to get pregnant and at other times it's soo fast. I'm sure this was crazy to have them so close, but so happy to not have to wait and wonder again when it would happen. congrats. love you
I vote the name Ethan!!! Congrats how exciting!
Congratulations! Man I think Heavenly Father has some plans for these kids coming down lately. I know at least 20 people having babies due between Aug. - Oct. That will be so fun for Reeve to be so close in age with his brother and his cousin! Congrats again!
Yay for baby #3!!!! I still really like Teagan.
congrats! I'm so glad you found my blog. And can I just say your little ones are just as lovely as their mommy! Hmmm a boy name. I do love the names Talon, Ezra, chase. There are just so many to choose from.
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