Party #1 - Parker's Birthday Party. McKenna was a fairy and had a blast they played musical chairs, decorated cookies, and even busted a pinata.
Party #2 - Dave's work Halloween Party. More like extravaganza! McKenna was a geisha and Reeve was the cuddliest little bear you ever did see. It was so fun. They had all the carnival games, cake walk, and even a haunted house... to name a few.

McKenna couldn't stop talking about the haunted house.

Party #3 - McKenna's preschool. She wanted to wear her costume from last year which was a witch.
Party #4 - Our ward's Trunk or Treat. McKenna was Barbi Island Princess. It was so fun we went with the Aplington's and McKenna had fun going from trunk to trunk with Parker.

Party #5 - Halloween. McKenna decided to be the witch again. Which I was happy about because I couldn't figure anymore costumes for her to wear. We went trick or treating with the Aplington's. So I'm glad these are McKenna's baby teeth and she won't have them too much longer because I'm sure they are almose rotted through with the amount of candy we have collect through this Halloween season!

1 comment:
Very cute! And I am glad that Olivia wasnt the only one with more then one costume. :)
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