Monday, November 24, 2008

Bathtime used to be easy.

Reeve has found his feet and every time he is sockless (which isn't very often in arctic Idaho) he is sucking on his toes. I thought this was so cute until we were taking a bath and I was trying to wash him. He kept pulling his foot up and I was trying to get the soap off it. He is pretty strong and with the soap, really slippery so I think he got a good taste of his baby wash (which like most things didn't bother him). The other thing he has found he likes is paper. He likes to devourer it into a pulpy mess. You know the saying "It's like taking candy from a baby"? I never really understood it. As I understand it, they're saying it's easy to take the candy away. Well I don't know about anyone else's kids but taking anything from my little ones is not an easy task. When we take away the paper you would think I gave him a little pinch as well. Thank goodness he is still young enough to forget what he was crying about. Ce' la vie.

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