They got him all cleaned and stamped up and took him up to the nursery, while I went to recovery.
After I came up from recovery I got settled into my (much larger than last time) room, and was able to hold little Merek for the first time.
Shortly after my mom was able to bring McKenna (after her 2nd day at school) and Reeve to meet their new little brother. McKenna was wonderful with him and knew just what to do but Reeve on the other hand was a little weary. He didn't really want to go near me and just didn't seem to understand what was going on. He liked seeing the baby but didn't want to have much to do with him. He did however give him a little kiss which made us all happy.
The next day Dave had a interview in Twin Falls for a full time lifeflight job (which he did get). We live a crazy life I tell ya. Anyhow, my brother Jeremy and his wife Amberlynn were able to come up from Rexburg and spend the day with us and help my mom with the two kids. They are so good with kids and it was just so wonderful to have them there with us.

I am so thankful to my mom that she could come from Washington to be with me for the birth of all my babies and for Jeremy and Amberlynn for coming up to help as well. My sister-in-law Mindy came and helped me and also my mother-in-law came. I really couldn't have done it without them. Most of all the help Dave gave me through recovering from the c-section. He is such a good daddy and his children and I love him so very much. We are so thankful to have little Merek in our lives even though he was a bit of surprise. He is the best surprise I have ever had. He is such a sweet little baby and so very loved. Here is Merek getting ready to leave the hospital.